Travel Gives Us Memories to Last a Lifetime

Travel is a passion, a desire like no other. A never-ending yearning to see more of the world around us. It allows us to learn and grow and become more sensitive to what lies outside our own little world. Eyes wide open to new places, people, and cultures; we would not have otherwise experienced.

It becomes an addiction of sorts, constantly seeking out the next adventure. Once bitten by the travel bug, it is impossible to resist its urge. An escape from reality, an opportunity to leave behind the pressures of everyday life. Perhaps, at times, but it is so much more than that! It is an avenue of self discovery, an opportunity to open your eyes to the world around you, and a chance to re-create, or find yourself in a new place. New adventures, new people, new experiences.

“We Travel Not to Escape Life but for Life Not to Escape Us” – Anonymous

Not so much an escape from reality but a wake-up call, realization that we have so much to be thankful and happy for. And yet why aren’t we always satisfied with that? Some of the happiest people I have met are those living in other countries. When judged by our standards, they appear to have less, but do they really? Is it fair to place our standard of living on them and our continual want for more?  As long as they are able to provide the basic necessities for their family, they seem to be happy. Their life is more about family, celebration, love, and laughter. Watching them interact, it’s impossible to miss the smiles and wonder whether we are really living our best life.

Travel has given me so much and memories to last a lifetime. Things to remember when life gets you down. It has given me what I like to call “bucket moments”. Different from a bucket list item, in that it is a once in a lifetime experience that can’t be repeated no matter how hard you try. It is not scheduled or planned, it just happens within your travels or perhaps while you are on your bucket list vacation. A moment you look back on and think “was that real”.  A whole feeling or emotion in itself and re-creating it in another time or place just wouldn’t be the same. An experience within your vacation that has a whole different feel, something you will always remember.

Bucket moments are very personal, a surreal feeling. Travel has given me many, so I started writing them down in a journal. Recording those special moments within a trip that bring that special feeling. Moments I can look back on. Not that each trip and adventure isn’t worth remembering but sometimes individual moments stand out more. They give the trip an extra special feel. Below are just a couple of mine.

Quite a few years back, I was travelling in Australia and decided on a whim to get my scuba diving license. Since childhood I’d always been fascinated by everything to do with the ocean and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. On successful completion of the course, was a 3-day catamaran diving tour on the Great Barrier Reef. The first night out it was quite rough, the waves were rolling, along with a few stomachs. No one could sleep so a group of us climbed up to the open top deck which was the helicopter pad. We sat down on the deck in the complete dark, with the waves crashing below us, and the starlit sky above us. The stars alone were mesmerizing but then one of the guys took out his guitar and started playing and singing the song, “American Pie”. We all joined in, singing our hearts out, without a care in the world and just being in the moment. It wasn’t the song that made the experience but the whole surreal feeling of everything around me. Hearing the song now though will bring me back to it. Nothing was planned or booked ahead, it just happened. A moment within my travels that I will always remember.

Another such “bucket moment” was on a trip to Huatulco, Mexico. A small group of us decided to hire a local boat to take us on a daytrip of sightseeing around the bays. It was the perfect weather and seas to be soaking up the sun and beautiful scenery. We were all excited to spend the day out on the boat, celebrating a birthday, and hoping to see some sea life. As we know though, there are no guarantees as to when or even if they will show up. We spent the day exploring the bays, found our sea turtles to our great excitement, but there were no dolphins to be seen anywhere.

It had been an amazing day, so we hid our slight disappointment and started to head in. The dolphins would have to wait for another time. Suddenly we hear, “dolphins ahead”, and we find ourselves in the midst of a pod of 250 plus dolphins.  It was pure joy. Dolphins as far as the eye could see. Leaping and surfing alongside and under the boat. Moving through the water like silver bullets at amazing speed. Their grace and beauty holding us in this pure awe-inspiring moment. It was purely majestical. Their spiritual energy surrounded us, a “bucket moment” like no other.

COVID-19 has changed things. Travel has been brought to a halt. The ability to just get up and go, a thing of the past. Change is difficult but it has made me realize how lucky I have been. I have my “bucket moments” and memories that will carry me through until it is safe to travel again.

Memories for a lifetime. Adventures to make me smile. Photos to look back on. Stories to tell.