Vancouver Island, that One Special Place

I genuinely believe that we all have that one special place in our heart that feels like home. It may not always be the place we were born but more the place we feel we belong. That one place that no matter where we are in the world, the second we set foot back in that place, we know we are home. Embracing us like a warm hug, welcoming us back.

To me, that place is Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Yes, I was born here but spent more years away than here, only returning to stay in the last few years. I used to say on each and every visit that as soon as that ferry hit the island, I was home again. As a born mainlander, I do not think my husband ever fully understood it until he started to feel it himself. A few trips to the island were all it took. Washing away the stressors of chaotic city living for a short time.

Do not get me wrong, as a young adult I could not wait to get off the island. Big city living called my name. There were bigger and better things to see and do. I needed to discover, experience, and travel to find my way home. City living has its benefits, and beauty at times but it is hard to find yourself in a sea of so much chaos. I met my husband, we made a wonderful home and created memories, but the island still called.

Travel being a wonderful passion has also opened my eyes to so many new places. Places I have fallen in love with wholeheartedly, but more often than not, they are places that remind me of home. Give me a sandy beach, rugged coastline, spectacular mountain range or a forlorn lighthouse anywhere in the world, and I am at peace with myself.

So, this “Island Girl” is HOME but I should say, “we are home”. My husband has passed his probation to become a true islander. He drank the can of Lucky Lager. You must be a true Vancouver Islander to understand that one. I wouldn’t tell his buddies though as he considers himself a bit of a beer aficionado. I am sure he will be sharing some of his favourites with you in the future.

We cannot wait to share the beauty of Vancouver Island with you, and so much more. Our love of travel brings us to so many incredible places. Life is a little different now due to covid restrictions, but we will eventually see a return to a new normal. Until then, it gives us more time to support and promote local which we love to do.

Vancouver Island has so much to offer.  Amazing windswept shores, sandy beaches, stunning mountain ranges, old growth forest, and wonderful quirky little places to explore.

“A place your feet may leave but your heart will always be”.