Welcome! I’m happy you are here.
This is my opportunity to share with you my love of beer. Yes, I love travel, and my wife, but BEER is another story. Mmm… BEER!
Besides, travel and beer go hand in hand. Travel has given me the opportunity to try so many new ones that I wouldn’t have otherwise. On this page I will share with you a quick snippet on some of my favourites (in no particular order), then you can find yours.
Vancouver Island has no shortage of amazing breweries to visit.
So, I raise my glass, “Beers to YOU”.
Travelling Wilbys
Vancouver Island Breweries

Strawberry Rhubarb Wheat Ale
Lighthouse Brewing Co., Victoria, BC
What’s better than strawberries in the summer? How about a Strawberry Rhubarb Wheat Ale from Lighthouse Brewing. Somewhat reluctant to try fruity beers, this wheat ale provided a surprising hint of summer freshness, perfect for patio sipping. The aroma of strawberries, and the subtle tart presence of Rhubarb wrapped it up perfectly.
“An enchanting aroma of freshly picked strawberries arises from the creamy crown of this Wheat Ale. A subtle tart presence imparted by Rhubarb is tethered to a gentle weight of bread-like characteristics from Canadian Wheat. A beautiful melody of flavours wrapped in a blanket of Golden Blonde haze” – Lighthouse Brewing Co.
I’d rate as a definite summer sipper. 5.5 ABV

Helios – Dortmunder Golden Lager
Hoyne Brewing Co., Victoria, BC
I have tried a variety of the Hoyne beers, and this family run business never fails to impress. Their pride in their craft and dedication to making beer from the finest ingredients, always shines through.
I have tried quite a few of the Hoyne beers, and recently had a chance to try the Helios. A nice deep rich gold colour, this Golden Lager pours beautifully to a nice head with good retention. “Inspired by a nearly extinct style of beer originating in Dortmund, Germany; it has kiss of sweet maltiness, balanced with earthy spicy notes”. Medium bodied and well balanced, I enjoyed this one. It might not be me everyday beer but, then again, there are too many to taste just to stick with one.
“Beers to You”,
Thumbs Up. 6%ABV

Heather Ale
Salt Spring Island Ales, Southern Gulf Islands
Salt Spring Island Ales is located on Salt Spring Island. It is part of the Southern Gulf Islands and located between Vancouver and Vancouver Island. A ferry can be taken from either side to get there.
They describe their beer as “fresh and unpasteurized. Preservative and chemical free. Just purely delicious beer”. That being said, I was excited to pick up a bottle of their Heather Ale at my local liquor store on Vancouver Island.
A Heather Ale is a traditional Scottish ale dating back some 4000 years. It was said to have been drunk for courage before going into battle.
This is a light beer, with a crisp finish. Infused with local heather flowers and a small number of hops. It has a mild floral and honey aroma, slight mead or cider-like character, and very light notes of hops. Well suited to those looking for a lighter brew, with little bitterness.
I thoroughly enjoyed this Heather Ale, and my wife fell in love with the very Spring like, eye catching label.
Full thumbs up, would try again. 5% ABV

78 Kolsch
Phillips Brewing & Malting Co., Victoria BC
Phillips Brewing in Victoria has a passion for crafting great beers with a creative flair. The story is that “it all began with a 27-year-old brewer, a windowless apartment, and a mountain of credit card debt”. Now that’s a success story.
Stopping in at the local for a few at the end of the day, I decided it was time to taste test the Phillips 78 Kolsch. This is a refreshing looking and tasting beer, which would be perfect for patio sipping. I would definitely not hold it to summer drinking only. It is a classic beer for any occasion.
Smooth, and almost creamy, it is balanced lightly in both malts & hops. It pours beautifully with a stream of bubbles rising up into the head. Refreshing and crisp, it was the perfect beer to end the day.
I give it a full thumbs up! ABV 5%

Hoyne Pilsner
Hoyne Brewing Co., Victoria BC
Hoyne Pilsner is my classic go-to at my local. Unlike some beer which seem more suited to certain seasons or weather, this is one I enjoy all year round. Outdoor patios in the summer, near a warm fireplace in the winter, or on a barstool at the local with the buddies.
I would describe it as smooth and crisp, and bright and refreshing. It has a balanced hoppiness and malt flavours which would appeal to most anyone.
I give it a full Thumbs Up.

Hoyne Dark Matter
Hoyne Brewing Co., Victoria BC
Hoyne Brewery is a family-owned brewery, putting people at the core of everything they do. In fact, they consider their team and community as part of their extended family. Their product clearly shows their dedication to their craft.
As my local carries Hoyne product, I decided to taste test another of their beer. I’m a huge Hoyne Pilsner fan but for some reason had been putting off trying the Dark Matter. I was expecting a heavy beer that I would only want one of but was pleasantly surprised. This beer doesn’t fit into a label, so much so that Hoyne refuses to label it as any one type (stout, port, lager or brown ale). It is simply “Dark Matter”.
If you’re craving dark chocolate, this is the beer for you. With subtle hints of chocolate and roasted malt, it makes for a great everyday drinking beer. It surprised me with its lightness, and creamy taste.
I give it a full thumbs up! 5.3% ABV